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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

8th April 2011
Hiking - Walking: Tollesbury Wick Marshes
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength: light
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 22
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 6 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

With great weather forecast for the whole weekend it was time to pack up the camper van and with a couple of walks printed off the internet Mag and I headed off into deepest Essex to see what we could discover :)
We past Colchester heading for Maldon when we saw a sign for Tollesbury Marina and decided to take a look as it was getting near to dinner time.What a hidden gem this turned out to be and we parked right by the muddy creek - the tide was out and had a cuppa before walking to the big red lightship and then onto the marina and out onto the sea wall and headed towards Mersea Island (on the other side of the river) We then found a leaflet by a style detailing a circular walk called The Tollesbury Wick Marshes and decided to do it even though we had forgot to pack lunch or take any water :( a big mistake as it was very warm with no wind !!! Still that little oversite failed to spoil the most wonderful walk as we headed along Woodrolfe Creek to the South Channel with great veiws to Mersea and on to the first Pillbox at Shingle point.
We then headed up the Blackwater Estuary with Bradwell power station abit of a blot on the far bank :(
Our turning point was at Mill Creek the site of the last pillbox and the remains of a pier and the long gone Tollesbury and Kelvedon Light Railway.
Heading across country past 'The Tower' and Wick Farm we made it back to the Marina by the 'Cruising Club' :) and back to the van for a well deserved late lunch tired but happy.The tide was now in and the creek came alive with yachts being launched,dinghys setting off and kids coming down for a swim in the icy creek !!!
We had another walk the other way past the house boats and saw that the sailing club were offering a two course evening meal for £7 !!!!!!!! but sadly it was all sold out by before 7 o clock :( so we had to drive to Heybridge for fish and chips :)
We returned and eat them by the creek where we stayed the night with stunning views across the marsh. />

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